This year for the BusINess magazine Professionals to Watch
(online here) I used a "through the viewfinder" technique shooting with my Canon Digital through the top lens of an old Duaflex II twin lens camera. Shooting with a periscope device I made from black mount board was challenging. Not only was the viewfinder image backwards but the depth of focus slim so focusing was critical. But these "difficulties" actually made me think and compose more rather than just blast away. Also the unusual set up made for good conversation.
Unfortunately the page constrictions of the magazine only allowed for the cover image to be used large where you could really see the combination of selective focus, low contrast, and decades old dust. The images have a vintage or if you will "Instagram-y" feel done the old school way. I am running some here, please click image for the larger slide show. Thanks and congratulations to all the subjects who worked with me!
Kathy Sipple Social Media Coach and Stratigist | |
Glenn Muller, Muller Acura of Merrillville | |
Professor Rajan Kini IUN |
Sandi Weindling Dunes Learning Center |
Scott Fech high school principal at the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools. |
Josh Halpern, Albert's Jewelers |
Tom Dabertin, Shared Resource Solutions |
Chef Nicole Bissonnette, Bistro 157 restaurant |
Mike Allen, Regional Executive Director, Accountable Care Organization |
Carrie Hightman, NIPSCO general counsel |
Christopher Baulo, Director of Food Operations at Horseshoe Casino Hammond |
Kay Nelson, Environmental Affairs Director, Northwest Indiana Forum |
All Images copyright 2013 Tony V. Martin/Times Media Company BusINess magazine.
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